Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life!

Here is a picture that I took of my son Jeremy and his wife when they formally got engaged. The reason I'm posting it is because Jeremy just had his 18th birthday this past week, and of course I am a proud mama I had to brag on him some:) He has turned out to be such a wonderful young man, full of future aspirations.

Our children grow up so fast, it seems like yesterday I was holding them in my arms.......

This yuletide season I am truly thankful for my life. I have a wonderful family that loves me, wonderful friends that support me, a roof over my head and dreams in my heart. It really is A WONDERFUL LIFE!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I DID IT! I ended up with two B's and one C! Yay!!!!! I am soooo happy! I have a 2.69 grade point average! Which doesn't sound like much, but I consider it awesome considering all the crap I have went through the last few months. I was praying to just pass all my classes with C's..........LOL

Next quarter will be better. Higher grades, here I come:)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Down, And ONE to Go!

Finals are this week at the college that I attend, so everything has been hectic both there and at home. I took two of my finals yesterday and passed them both with flying colors!!!!! On the one class that I was worried if I was going to pass or not, I ended up with a high C! The second final that I took, I know I will end up with at least a high B in there. WOOT!!!!!!! Now, all I have to study for is my Financial Accounting I, which is tomorrow evening:) I feel pretty good about that test too. I should pull out a high C in there as well! Yay!!!!!!!

Not to mention, I got a paper in the mail today from the college that is showing that the classes that I had taken at NCSC all transferred! DOUBLE WOOT!!!! Now, I don't have to take English Comp I over again at my current college:)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Every year when my family sits down at the dinner table on Thanksgiving we say what we are each thankful for. This year because I had to work and because one of my son's has moved out, we texted each other to say what we were thankful for. I think it's important to take the time to tell our loved ones that we love them and acknowledge verbally that we are truly grateful for what we have.

I'm thankful for my family and my life. What are you thankful for this year?

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

One day at a time

I feel so exhausted lately. I wonder why. LOL Could it be the homeschooling five days a week? Or it could be working 20+ hours a week waitressing? Maybe it's going to school full time? It could quite possibly be that I am trying to get various projects done up around the house??? Naw, not any of that. LOL

I had come to the decision a long time ago that I try not to think too far ahead in the future. The reason is that I tend to worry about things. I am learning that I need to just think about today, that I just need to get through today. As the great Scarlet O'Hara states, "Tomorrow is another day!"

Monday, November 2, 2009

The best things in life aren't usually planned.....

Well, we had the halloween/reception party..........we invited well over 100 people and the majority of them said they were coming for sure.


I had a bad feeling, should have listened to myself, but of course I'm not a pessimist by nature soooooo I ignored my inner spirit screaming at me. Only about 20 people showed up and the bride's mother didn't even show up until 8pm (the party ended at 9pm) with the cake, ate some food (that I provided) and left. Not to mention, when we went in front of the jodge, he wouldn't approve Carrie and Jeremy getting married. *Read previous post titled "Road Trip"* Needless to say, there was a lot of people that I wasn't happy with.

On a positive note, the place we rented looked AWESOME. I will post pictures when I can. Also, Carrie and Jeremy are getting married this Friday in PA. I love finding loopholes and getting around governmental control:) LOL The only good thing that came out of Carrie's mom being there was the cake. I actually looked beautiful as well.

My point is this, sometimes we can plan and plan and plan to our heart's content on how we want things to turn out but sometimes it doesn't turn out that way. When life throws you a curveball, you have to accept it and be able to go with the way the wind blows. Just maybe, things will turn out better that what you had imagined:)

I want to leave you with a quote tonight that my son told me and it pretty much sums up how I feel sometimes. "Judge me if you want, we are all going to die...... but I intend to deserve it."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Road Trip!

Well, it all started when we had to go to court on Monday for our son Jeremy. No, he wasn't in any trouble, it was to see if the judge would allow him to get married. Long story short, in the state of Ohio if a male is under the age of 18 and wishes to get married: a) he has to go up in front of a probate judge to get permission to get married, and b) the bride in question has to be at least 17 weeks pregnant. Soooooooo, we went to court and was not aware that part "b" had to be followed. Carrie isn't pregnant, so in their eyes there was no reason for them to get married. I guess the court system would rather have young couples get pregnant so that they can get married instead of being responsible and wait. Go figure. If it was the other way around and Carrie was the minor, all we would have to do is get her parents to give their consent.

Anyway, the above brings me to the reason for our road trip. Since the judge said no to them getting married because of no pregnancy, we decided to take matters into our own hands..........a road trip to Pennsylvania! In the state of Pennsylvania, a couple can apply for a marriage license (they do not need be residents) and wait three days before they can actually get married. If one of the prospective newlyweds is under 18, all that is needed is consent by one of the minor's parents. We decided to go to Gettysburg because it is one of the most haunted places in the U.S. So there you go, we got a mini vacation AND a marriage license all in one shot. LOL

We will be traveling back to PA sometime next week to actually have the ceremony performed. What really ticks me off is that our state legislature (Ohio) makes up these stupid laws and we the people are expected to sit idly by and obey them. *Note to self*: remind me to vote in November...........