Monday, May 4, 2009

I LOVE This Book!

I recently bought the book "Made From Scratch" by Jenna Woginrich on a whim. My whole intention was to just read the chapter on rabbits and then return it to the local book store........I made the mistake of deciding to read it from the beginning (just to get my money's worth, you see) and I couldn't put it down!!!!!! I had it read in two days. Now, there has to be something said for that because I'm the type of person that will NOT read a book straight through. I usually read one for awhile, put it down, and then pick up another one to start reading. LOL

It's not a huge book and it does a great job to get the average person acquainted with the "homesteading" lifestyle. Not to mention, Jenna gives you oodles and oodles of gems of ideas on how to start your little homestead now even if you live in suburbia!

Ms. Woginrich discusses how to raise chickens, care for your beehive, make your own clothes and much, much more! I actually liked the chapter "Working House Dogs" where she tells you how to train your dogs for sledding and chore work around the homestead! I'm not a dog person by far, but after reading her book I find myself longing for man's best friend to train myself:)

In the back of the book in the chapter titled "Research, Son", Jenna has websites and books listed for you to further your exploration into the wonderful world of self sufficiency! This small book packs a BIG punch!

I caught myself several times smiling and nodding my head in agreement at what this talented young author had written. Ms. Woginrich writes like she is having a a nice long afternoon chat with you at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee. I loved this book from start to finish and I look forward to her next writing endeavor!

Imagine my surprise when I saw she has a blog.........Check it out!

Have a great week everyone!


Todd said...

I never finish books i start either. Glad you found one you liked enough to do it.

Celticspirit said...

That book sounds great! I went to the website and checked that out as well. Thanks for posting the link for that one. :)