Thursday, October 18, 2007

My baby is 18 today!!!!!

Well, it's offical, my oldest baby is a legal adult today!!!!! He turned 18 and I cried. So many memories..................I still remember being in the hospital room after having him and his Dad taking him over to the window to look outside to see his first snow.

Watching him grow up has been an honor and a privledge. I am so thankful he is my son and in my life. Jay, you make my life so much more richer by being in it.

I'm so proud of you!!!!!




Unknown said...

I know how you feel. Mine are 22 and 25 now. Seems like only yesterday . . . (Yours was born on my husband's birthday!)

Kelli said...

Susan, happy late birthday to your hubby! I tell them all the time that even when they are 50 years-old they will still be my "baby".