Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Planning for the new year!

I am soooo ready for 2009! I am looking at different things to make myself a healthier, happier me:)

I will start off with an internal cleansing. It will work on the blood, colon, liver, kidney and lymphatic systems.

I will also change my eating habits. Granted, it won't be all gung ho at first, but I will be making gradual changes to my diet. Right now, I am slowly eliminating the "whites" out of my system. Which include, white rice, white pasta, white bread, sugar and white-flour products.

I have done some research on different diets and have chosen the raw food diet. Here is a couple of links on the raw food diet: http://rawfoodsdiet.wetpaint.com/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_foodism .

I particularly like these two ladies that have written books on raw foodism:

Natalia Rose: http://www.detoxtheworld.com/ I have read one of her books and really like the way she thinks. She advocates deep breathing, sweating and dry brushing, among other things. I will be incorporating all of that into my daily routine.

The other lady is Ani Phyo, her website is here: http://www.aniphyo.com/ What is cool about Ani is on her website she has recipes posted AND you can go to YouTube to see her "cooking" videos! Wooohoooo!

Can't wait to get started! What are some on your plans for the new year?


Celticspirit said...

What type of cleanse are you doing? Another question...what is dry brushing? It sounds like you have a good plan. I need to find a good plan for myself. I'd be interested in hearing how it's working for you. Peace to you on this holiday season.

Celticspirit said...


Anonymous said...

A girl i work with eats "raw" like this...doesn`t seem too difficult really. It`s just cutting out all the extra junk that we eat that is really hard part!!