Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cleaning house

Well, I have been registering for classes, spring cleaning and taking care of sick people so I think that should easily explain why I haven't posted in awhile:) LOL

I finally got my classes registered. Even though I got a pell grant I had to apply for a student loan to finish paying for my classes, books, etc. GRRRRR....... I hate having to go into debt. I only asked for a small amount of money though, so it won't be too bad to pay back. I may even be switching majors in the fall quarter, but that is another story.......

Everyone here is down sick with influenza but me. Knock on wood. I don't even want to get that yucky stuff.......

Lastly, I have been doing some spring cleaning. It's amazing what you can accumulate around the house without thinking..............I have been looking at some of the stuff and thinking "when did I buy this and why?" LMAO Which brings me to the point that I have too much "clutter" in my life. I'm tired of being bogged down with all this "gunk". I know I will look and feel much better when I'm done with "cleaning house"............

Well,I have to go get my butt in gear.......have to make a trip to the store to get groceries and THEN go to work. I work the next two days and get Monday off! Huzzah!


Todd said...

Good luck with the classes, work, home schooling and de-cluttering. You have more energy than I do for sure! *hugs*

Juli said...

Good blog :)