Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Land of the FREE?????

I am ticked, I mean TICKED big time....... I am sitting here in disbelief, wondering who in the hell let the monkeys out of the zoo to run amuck in our government.

Someone posted an article on H.R. 875 on one of my yahoo groups and of course it caught my attention. ANYTIME, the our government says that they are trying to do something to "protect" the public, I sit up and take notice.......... I read the text of this bill and thought to myself that somebody must have been out of their friggin mind if they think the American people will sit back and let this go through.

You can read the text of the bill here:

Rep. Rosa DeLauro is the sponsor (D-CT) of this hellish mindnumbing bill. They are saying it is to help protect the health of the public by preventing food borne illnesses and contamination BUT what it comes down to is CONTROL. Control of what you can do and not do.... No more local farm markets or various small organic farms because the government will be bogging them down with regulations that there is no way they will be able to survive. BIG corporations will win again. It can be better explained by looking over these links.

Here is a interesting link about the bill:

Click on the comment link and read through the comments. VERY interesting indeed.

Here is a link to find your House Representative:


I urge you to contact your representative and tell them what you think of this bill. Last time I looked, I thought that this government was supposed to be "of the people, by the people and for the people." I guess our current leaders seem to think that this country belongs to BIG government and MEGA corporations..........

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