Sunday, June 28, 2009

A taste of SUMMER

It is a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon and even though I have lots to do, I thought I would drop by to let everyone know how I have been doing.......

Gardens are doing great! All of our plants have blooms (going to have a boat load of tomatoes!!!!) and I can't wait to sink my teeth into all of the yummy stuff! LOL I actually broke down last week and bought a HUGE rhubarb plant. Whenever I eat rhubarb it reminds me of being at my Grandma's old farmhouse when I was a child...........(sigh)

Work is going good too. They hired a few more servers so I have been bumped up the seniority list some:) I was marvelling the other day that I have been there for 7 months now and I'm surprised that I am still there. LMAO Seriously, I love working there. Alot of the people there are willing to help each other out and they also like to make work fun in the process. So in all, it doesn't seem like I have been there that long. Ya know, time flies when you are having fun........

Lastly, with summer officially here, I like to cook different things that I consider "summer food". I was thinking that I haven't posted any recipes in a while so I thought I would leave you with one of my favorite "summer food" recipes...........


Green tomatoes (as much as you want to fry up)


Eggs (beaten)

Lowry's seasoning salt

Grease (you can use bacon grease or leftover veggie oil from frying chicken)

Slice up the tomatoes any way you like. Make sure your grease is hot and ready. Dip each slice into the beaten eggs and then roll in flour. Put into pan with the hot grease. Lightly salt with Lowry seasoning salt. When one side is brown, flip tomato slices over and lightly salt again:) When both sides are lightly browned, take out of grease and place tomato slices on a plate with a paper towel on it (to absorb some of the grease). Enjoy!

Have a great week everyone!


Todd said...

Good to hear from ya again. Glad you enjoy where you're working.

Celticspirit said...

Yum. Those look good.