Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day!

Ok, so I look out my front door this morning and what do I see? SNOW. Yep, lots of it too:) So I have decided to give the boys a snow day. I mean, even though we homeschool sometimes you gotta stop and just have a day to goof off, right? Today is the perfect day for that. I also don't have to go to my part-time job outside of the home so that's a double YAY! I'm not fond of snow but I have to say that it does look very beautiful out there with everything blanketed in white.

I know alot of you are into the swing of things for the holidays so I thought I would also post a couple of quick recipes for your upcoming holiday meal.

This one is for homemade turkey gravy. It's very simple, so I know you'll like it. Who needs complicated, right?

Turkey Gravy: First off, I put my whole turkey into a roaster the previous night before bedtime and cook it on about 250-300 degrees all night long. The reason I telling you this is because I put a few cups on water in the bottom of the pan, that way the next day when it's time to make your gravy you have your turkey stock (water w/ fat drippings from the turkey). Take the turkey stock (about 2 cups) and put into a pot. Next take about a 1/2 cup of water and mix with 2 tablespoons of corn starch until disolved. Bring Turkey stock to boil and add the water w/corn starch. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let simmer for about 2-3 minutes. Now it will still be somewhat runny until it starts to cool some, that's when it will thicken:) Let cool alittle to thicken and you're done!

Here is my simple version of the green bean casserole.

Green Bean Casserole: You will need two cans of green beans, one can of cream of mushroom soup and one can of french fried onions. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Add to a bowl your green beans and soup. Also add a small handful of the french fried onions and a dash of garlic salt. Mix. Pour into a heat proof dish. Around the edge of the dish spinkle the remaining french fried onions. Pop into the oven for about 30 minutes. That's all there is to it!

I hope you enjoy the recipes and I'll try to post later this week some of the recipes of the homemade goodies we used to make when I was a kid. Yummmmm. Until then, I hope everyone is safe throughout the day! Now, I have to go get my butt in gear and list some stuff on ebay because today is the last day we get free gallery pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have snow!!! Living here in England we don't usually see snow until January.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Love the recipes. I will be back again.