Sunday, December 2, 2007

Fa, La, La, La...........huh?

Well, the madness has begun. LOL People out shopping for their loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors, an uncle twice removed, long lost cousin, get the point. (grin) It always amazes me how some people become so "giving" during the holiday season. Granted, some people do need an extra helping hand during this time of year, but, what bothers me is why should we WAIT until the holiday season to reach out to help our fellow man? There are people in need all year........

The child that has to go home every day from school to an empty house because Mom and Dad have to both work two jobs just to make ends meet.

The single mom who cannot afford a single present for her children much less buy a Christmas tree to put up and worries how she is going to keep the electric on until she gets paid again.

A terminally ill man who has no family is spending his last days on earth alone and scared. He wishes more than anything someone would sit with him awhile.

And the soldier fighting in a foreign country, being away from his young wife and newborn son. He will be missing his son's first Christmas, first smile, first words.........

This post in no way was meant to be a rant about the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. It is my intention for it to serve as an awakening. We need to "awaken" to the world around us. For need knows no season.

This time of year does bring out the best (and sometimes the worst) in people. What will each of you bring to the world around you every day? The best or the worst? I will choose to offer the best within myself every day..................What will you choose?


White Hot Magik said...

I wholeheartedly agree. We already had our first Christmas party and I was bummed we were asked/told to bring two exchange gifts under 20 each and I just don't understand the point of these random exchanges. I didn't know the people there and we were so busy doing the exchange we didn't get to mingle and visit. I would have much rather spent $40 bucks on someone who needed it.

Artists With Artitude said...

You are asking some very insightful questions. Love your writing and thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. Good luck with yours! Be creative, be passionate--- always :)

Moonroot said...

Hi, I came here via the link on Green Kitchen Witches and I'm glad I did. Great post!

Kelli said...

Awww thanks ladies for your kind words!!!!

Unknown said...

I don't like 'Secret Santas'. If you are going to give something then you should just do it. Being made to by others (and, oh, the peer pressure)takes away from it. Plus it can get really competitive.

Can't help but wonder if the sudden impulse to be so giving is so that we feel better about how much we are indulging ourselves. The amount people spend is phenominal and I feel unneccesary. Is it really cos they are so giving or it is so they look better in front of others?