Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sick babies and boycotts.......

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted, hasn't it? I have had a sick husband and two sick kids.

I'm happy to report my husband is over the flu and my boys are recovering as well. The flu that's going around can really throw someone for a loop. I'm REALLY surprized that Jeremy or I have gotten it yet. I have given them medicine and making sure they have lots of fluids. It's helped:)

I have talked briefly on here about ebay and wanted to share my thoughts on the "boycott". I have seen where several members (mostly sellers I believe) will be boycotting ebay this week. I as a seller (and even as a buyer) will not be involved in the boycott. Athough, I commend those that will be sacrificing their income for a cause they believe in, cannot do the same. I haven't been selling now for well over a month, so money is not the issue with me. What is, is the fact that ebay is a multi-million dollar company. They will not listen to a few thousand dis-gruntled sellers. Not being rude, just stating a fact. ebay is there to make money.

As one person on a yahoo group I belong to stated basically that ebay is a publically traded company, they have to answer to their shareholders, etc. I also agree with some that has said that if it wasn't for the buyers, us sellers would be out of business. I certainly agree with that. Most buyers by nature want a fair price on a product, along with a smooth transaction. I know that's what I look for. IF all the sellers on ebay left, then these buyers would find other venues to buy products. Plain and simple. We as sellers have to be creative and give outstanding customer service. If some of our DSR's are low, then we need to look at why and remedy the problem. If anything, it will make us better sellers because we willing be ever striving to be better and in turn will help our business to grow. And isn't that one of the reasons we sell on ebay, to make money?

Have a wonderful and safe week!


The Ginger Darlings said...

We have boycotted ebay ever since they started up and we still get junk mail from them threatening to freeze our account and claiming that we haven't paid for stuff. I think maybe some of the stuff they sell is good and some not and at the end of the day maybe our house is too full of stuff, and we liked the eclipse, which you couldn't buy on ebay.
ho hum.....being a cat is good, being ginger even better

Celticspirit said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope your kids feel better soon. Have a wonderful day!

Todd said...

Glad to hear that your hubby and kids are getting better. YAY!

White Hot Magik said...

Thanks for the visit. I am not boycotting either, although not listing. I have just been so busy, I decided to take a "break" and get organized. I have been selling something a few things out of the store. I was looking for a link to your store on your page, loved the anticraft page though.

Artists With Artitude said...

Hi Kelli,
I am thrilled by your visit and lovely comment. Thank you very much!

Hope your family is doing well.. Thank you for that informative post. I had no idea