Friday, March 7, 2008


Ok, this morning I'm in a bit of a mood. Not happy with the continuous crap our government tries to shove down our collective throats........

Example: Gas prices. I've been ticked about this for some time. Last time I looked crude oil was about $105.00 a barrel. Oh, it's slightly down from last season. Great. They are blaming the weakening U.S. dollar on the skyrocketing prices. I believe I heard in a news report on the radio that the sluggish economy is to blame as well. HUH? I'm sorry I don't see how a sluggish U.S. economy can cause gas prices to rise. If anything, the demand would go down because no one can afford to go anywhere. Good news, analysts are saying that oil demand SHOULD go down the second half of the year. We will see. I"m not holding my breath. I will be doing research on the alternatives of gas and what I can do to save not only money but the environment. I'll post my findings:)

Another gripe I have this morning is how the USDA is trying to make it harder for you to buy local fruits, veggies and meat. Here is an article about the subject. Big Corporations in Texas, Florida and California feel threatened by these local farmers.....why? Because they have a superior product. They want to "nip" this expanding movement in the bud before it gets too big. Somebody is getting a little too greedy. Not to mention, it looks like our wonderful government (USDA) is helping these big corporations. Lovely. I say get on local and buy your stuff locally. At least you will know how it was raised, how long it had been sitting around AND you will be helping your local economy. Here is the link to local harvest: I'm always up to put a hurting on somebody that tries to be a bully:)

I thought this was supposed to be a government of the people and for the people...........What can we each do to help remedy the problems that our nation currently face?

I hope I have made you pause and think about what is going on in this country this week. We as American citizens need to stand up and use our voices.

To start, maybe get out and vote, sign petitions (or start a petition!), call or write your local, state and federal government. Nothing will change if we sit idly by......... Be heard and seen, they can't shut all of us up. LOL


Todd said...

I heard the same things about gas prices... I don't believe them either.

As for the good ol USDA? I don't even think they "protect" us anymore, only those who bribe, er, pay them the most. Kind of like the Drug and food cartel.

That's just stupid of the USDA to feel threatened by 'the people/farmers'. Have they not heard of competition making the products better? Free trade? Ya know. *sigh*

P.S. Good rant!!

Kelli said...

Thanks Rambleman!!!! Yep, who ever has the money gets what they want. shakes head.